Doublelist Guide and Review + other sites like Doublelist

Doublelist sex ad listings

It’s time to get in double trouble by exploring a part of yourself that you have never touched before. Become part of a growing community of like-minded people that includes m4m, w4w, w4m, m4w, mw4m, and mw4w. Welcome to your brand new Craigslist personals alternative website:

If you miss craigslist and wondered what happened, is a good place to start over, get your mojo back, and double up on your sex life!

What is Doublelist?

Founded in March, 2018, Doublelist personal ads has attracted about 11 million visitors with about 300,000 people signing up daily, which is why they had to cancel registrations altogether. There are approximately 170,000 users online at any given time. Northlock Holdings LTD, a 10-year-old online dating service company, owns Doublelist.

Doublelist is free to join and has many unique features such as personals. Many are saying that this is the new Craigslist since it was taken down last year.  As a result, dating has exploded in popularity for average daters and alternative lifestyle seekers to fulfill their fantasies.

Doublelist focuses around the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transexual) community. It is one of love, acceptance and most importantly respect. Unfortunately, the larger society has not been too friendly towards this alternative lifestyle, which is why members who fall under these sexual classifications need a safe haven to share themselves and express their ideas. Doublelist is the online safe zone to pass the ball and allows these people to shine like stars on the field!

As you can see, the website’s front page is discrete and plain, leaving much to the imagination behind the curtain. However, when you open those forbidden doors there is an alternative gay amusement park full of fantastic rides for all to enjoy! Press that magical Sign-up button to login and pull the cat out the box!

With a lot of tension in the air against those in my community I needed a space where I could meet up with people like me. - Roy

Signing up for Doublelist is free and easy for unlimited access to the personal ads section. You will be able to see what other posters have on their profiles and what they are looking for.

Many users frequent the site looking for different romantic situations, including long-term commitments or short-term nightcaps.

Posted as clear as day at the bottom of the homepage is “no sex work allowed” and they mean it! Never advertise trading sex for money-it’s forbidden and illegal. There is a team of dedicated moderators who are highly active in removing illicit post, so one rule to keep in mind is avoiding sharing naked photos of yourself. Also, there are strict filters blocking posters from using words related to hatred, prostitution, stalking, sex acts, and underage stuff.

Only personal meetups are acceptable. There is nothing is wrong with people dating and developing feelings for their partners and taking things to the next level. That is a legal part of human nature. However, asking for money in return for sex is not!

After agreeing to the rules you can get enjoy an intimate moment with another person. Or get a gay massage from a local escort. Have a deep, intelligent conversation with your partner. Maybe do a fun role-play and practice acting out the character in person. How about participating in a healthy BDSM fantasy?

You can meet people just to chill or even have consensual gay sex-if you meet someone worth your time. Posters are from everywhere in the United States, including Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, Tampa, Oklahoma City, Seattle, San Diego, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Phoenix and more. A few international locations include France, Switzerland, and Belgium. Also, you can find someone in your specific area by searching zip codes.

Creating an Account

Info_Snippet: “Everytime I create an account on any dating website, I ask myself is this something I really want to do. If my spirit says yes, then I’m doing it!”

Creating an account is so easy. Upon clicking the Sign-up button the system asks for your email address. Once you submit the email address a link is automatically generated and sent. You need to click it for a redirection to the website to complete the sign-up process. This rerouting is to ensure that you have a verifiable email account.

"Doublelist has been a safe and reliable way to contact my clients." - Sarah, Escort Professional

The next step is confirming your password and setting up an account with your personal information. However, as of the time of writing they are not accepting new registrations, but hopefully they will open the door soon in the future. Those with accounts can only log on and review the app.

Doublelist Review

The Doublelist website is very user-friendly and only takes 0.6 seconds to jump from one page to another. That is fast for dating websites! It also has a strict, secure process for detecting fake profiles.

If you try to login from certain geographical locations or using a VPN, you will get blocked from using the website. However, people in the classified sections are from over 20 countries.

Finding different sections is very easy. Information is straight-to-the-point. There is no fluff and every word is meaningful. Type in members’ names or search specific qualities or characteristics about a person in the search bar and results related to your search will pop up. Your page setup is like any other social media site. For example, you can like or dislike posts, get notifications from your friends or people you are following, and send your private messages to anyone.

You can change your searches or people according to the following:

  • Age
  • Sexual preference
  • Language
  • Sexuality activity
  • Attributes
  • City

There are also escorts posting on there from time to time, which makes it a good alternative to backpage if you are looking for that (I know I always am!),

Top 5 Sites Like Doublelist

Looking for more sites like doublelist?  Here are some other classified sites and hookup sites that can make for a great alternative!

AdultFriendFinder - Popular dating site for people to hookup with others in their local areas.

Fetlife Classifieds - Personals listings

AshleyMadison - A discreet dating site for married men looking to have an affair. - A safe tight-knit community for people searching for others in the alternative fetish BDSM lifestyle to date, share stories, photos, updates and more!

Written by Roy Steitz

I may be 55 but I still enjoy the joys of sex, and this site is where I blog about it all, including the exotic partners that I casually (and sometimes not so casually) encounter.

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